
Ministry definition

These are the criteria for eligibility for ministry resources at Sheldon, Sheldon's 20% ministry discount, and the online Sheldon Hub.

  • ordained 
  • full time stipendiary lay worker in a pastoral role (includes full time salaried lay chaplains in prison, healthcare and military chaplaincy)
  •  missionaries, members of religious communities
  • retired from ordained ministry  (or once ordained but out of ministry for other reasons)
  • spouses/partners (independently or with his/her ministerial partner)
  • ordinands who have been accepted for ordination training and attending a recognised college/course

We normally consider applications from licensed or accredited ministers in denominations affiliated to Churches Together in England, or equivalent in other countries.
Validation will require evidence both of your ministry status and that the email address provided belongs to you. For people who don't have a public church profile or denominational listing (eg spouses, those in training, those out of ministry) the quickest route is likely to be introduction by an existing member of the Hub or someone you know who can themselves be validated more easily.

Associate Membership

(this section relates only to the Sheldon Hub and not to 'real world' Sheldon resources)

The Sheldon Hub offers Associate Member access to selected areas of the Hub (at the absolute discretion of the Hub Administrators) to people in the following categories who train, support and work alongside people in the Ministry category

  • teaching and pastoral staff from recognised theological colleges and courses
  • therapists, counsellors, retreat leaders and spiritual directors regularly working with people in ministry
  • people employed in a relevant role by an organisation routinely offering direct practical, pastoral or financial support or training to people in ministry (including charities, unions)
  • people employed by the church at regional or national level in roles directly involved with ministers (eg Human Resources, pensions, housing)
  • independent practitioners regularly working with people in ministry (eg ecclesiastical lawyers)
  • nominated members of affiliated organisations or projects (Synod group for Clergy Covenant, Congregation and Tragedy project, National Estate Churches Network)
  • people in licensed lay ministry that is active, authorised and accountable
  • people engaged in bona fide research directly relevant to the welfare of people in ministry

In order to keep the Sheldon ministry resources, including the Sheldon Hub, safe and secure, the Sheldon Community will validate both your status (in your role) and that your email address belongs to you. Thanks for your patience and co-operation with this.