
The stories that shape us

Led by Margaret Silf

Human beings have the precious gift of imagination, which enables us to shape stories, myths and narratives in our search for meaning and understanding in our lives. These deep narratives have a more profound influence in shaping our lives than we might think. Some stories are life-giving. Some can be used to control or seduce us. Some are enduring, and grow as we grow. Others are outgrown and must be revised or let go. Some are universal, others are personal, inspiring us to go beyond our own expectations, or trapping us in what others expect of us. During the retreat we will reflect on some of these guiding narratives, on the need to ‘change the story’ when we find it to be no longer true to our experience and on the call to ‘become the change we wish to see in the world’.

The retreat will be conducted in silence. There will be two daily presentations, with an opportunity each day for those who wish to share our responses and explore the theme together.

Margaret Silf is the author of a range of books exploring the spiritual journey for 21st century pilgrims who may or may not identify with institutional religion. She is a mother and grandmother and lives in North Staffordshire.

This event is open to everyone.

Arrival: 3 - 5pm Sun 18th August 2019
Departure: 10am Thu 22nd August 2019

Residential - £430 (20% ministry discount)